You are the daughter of the King.
That's why you are a Kingdom Mother.
You are a fully adopted daughter.
You know this. How much do you believe it? Live it? Experience it?
How much do you experience the love of your Father, the King?
I used to discount experiencing God's love. Not anymore.
God wants you to live out of the experience of His love for you. It changes everything.
You Are a Gift episode
Reach out to me on Volley.
Kingdom Mother's Rise Up podcast is here to encourage and equip you as a mother, biological & spiritual, to rise up to the call of God on your life. Below are resources to help you on your journey and to support Mukkove as she supports you.
Mukkove's books, Christmas is About Jesus, Easter is About Jesus, and Mess to Majesty, are available on Amazon and most online booksellers.
Transformational Quiet Times is a course that gives you a Biblical foundation and walks you through practice and tools to build a conversational relationship with God.
Heart Doodling with Jesus membership is a growing collection of life-changing workshops where you experience healing in your heart and renewing your mind as you create, reflect, pray and listen. Join for only $7 a month!
Talk to Mukkove on Volley. Ask questions to be answered on a future episode, leave suggestions for future episodes, or ask about working with her as you Rise Up.