Have You Been Impacted by Childhood Emotional Neglect?
Often when I mention Childhood Emotional Neglect the question is “What does it look like in an adult?” Here are a couple of posts I
Often when I mention Childhood Emotional Neglect the question is “What does it look like in an adult?” Here are a couple of posts I
When things started shifting and shutting down for the Coronavirus I felt an urgency saying “It’s time to prepare.” It’s time to be really intentional.
David went up against a giant. Everybody thought he was crazy. Yet he won. It’s always been a story of the miraculous deliverance of God.
For most of my life, I believed I was supposed to be able to do it all on my own. Well, maybe me and Jesus,
Living disconnected Cindy began working with me because she felt disconnected from her life – her emotions, her marriage, her interests, everything – and she
Celebrating can be a struggle if you grew up being told not to get too excited or not to think too highly of yourself. Celebrating
Our culture is so busy. Expectations are so high. Holidays seem to magnify everything. Holidays in themselves are not the problem. God set up days
Are your holiday plans well underway or running away? To have rest at any time of the year we have to plan and prioritize. Even
This week was Launch week for Mess to Majesty: Let God Love You in Your Mess. I wrestled through some fear before I opened my computer
The Idea I began writing a book as an assignment in my training program. I’ve written books before but this time was different. The first books