Connecting Faith, Emotions, and Mothering

The Lord has been talking to me about getting my house in order for the last year. That means decluttering my house. It has also meant seeing how He has taught me to declutter my emotions.
He isn’t just talking about my physical house. He is referring to every area of my life. How I manage my time, my relationships, my home, and my business.
Part of that process has been decluttering my physical house. He is using that process to deal with things in my heart and mind as well.
Dreaming of An Emotional Decluttering Community
One day I was listening to Dawn, The Minimal Mom, (I’m not a minimalist. I love her videos though!) she and her sister were talking about the community they have and want to build around their message. A community of support and not doing this life alone, having someone who understands declutter with you. I thought – that’s the kind of community I want to create!
Ideas started brewing for how I could teach you to declutter your emotions like Dawn and others teach you to declutter your house. The dream of a community where you could practice, grow and be supported has been growing.

I took the plunge and bought the domain!
You’ll be hearing a lot more about this because I feel the Lord saying it is so needed right now. I will be doing a workshop on Decluttering Your Emotions in May and I will be starting a Decluttering Your Emotions Membership very soon! You will have the first opportunity to join as a Founder and help me shape it into an amazing place for you to connect and grow.
If this is for you and you don’t want to miss anything visit to get on the “first to know list”.