15: Making Room for What Really Matters

A garden is often a place God speaks to me. That's where this podcast started brewing – in the carrot beds where tiny carrots were drowning in weeds.

It's not enough to remove the weeds (bad things) from your life. There are also good things that need to go to make room for the harvest you are called to be cultivating.

I love the lessons God teaches me in the garden. It reminds me of the parables where Jesus used nature to teach about Kingdom life.

Trying to fit it all in might leave you with a weed patch.

Know what God is calling you to. 
Be okay with lots of empty space.
Eliminate everything that God did not say to plant in this season.

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Transformational Quiet Times is a course to give you a Biblical foundation and walk you through practice and tools to build a conversational relationship with God.

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2 thoughts on “15: Making Room for What Really Matters”

  1. This episode was so good! I listened to it twice. It was such a perfect picture of a process that answered the prayer I had just prayed. Thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom with us.

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