Celebrating can be a struggle if you grew up being told not to get too excited or not to think too highly of yourself.
Celebrating is important. Even celebrating ourselves. God wants to bless us, He wants to change us. He wants us to give credit where credit is due, we can do nothing without Him. Too often that seems to translate to we can do nothing. With Him, we can do all things. Like a proud papa, He enjoys us being proud of what we’ve accomplished.
I love to reflect at the end of the year.
I love to reflect all the time, but especially at the end of a year. One of the blessings of writing our Christmas letter every year is looking back over what God has done in our lives that year.
Practice celebrating
Celebrating is a struggle for me so I’m practicing. I’m making a list of things from 2019 to celebrate and I encourage you to do the same.
Brag on God.

Be proud of yourself.
Here’s the start of my list:
- I had a fabulous trip to Hawaii with my husband of 25 years.
- I remembered how much I love beaches.
- I traveled alone to Florida.
- I’m leading an amazing group of women in living wholeheartedly.
- I invested in myself to get expert help in building a successful coaching business.
- I served 5 one-on-one clients.
- I wrote a blog post every week.
- I started taking my toddler to Story Time at the library.
- I wrote a book.
- I launched a book with a great team and hit #1 for new releases on Amazon.
- I grew in confidence about what God made me to do.
- I created a new course.
It’s fun and encouraging to make a list. To remember the journey. To see God’s hand at work.
I also love to look at what I want to change and set intentions for the year ahead. Part of that is asking God for a word for the year. The word for 2019 was Build. I can see in my list God was building me.

My word for 2020 is Clarity.
One of the biggest things I want for 2020 is to see God more clearly, to see myself as He sees me more clearly so I can live from that place.