Living disconnected
Cindy began working with me because she felt disconnected from her life – her emotions, her marriage, her interests, everything – and she didn’t know what went wrong or how to fix it.

Living disconnected, watching life pass her by was not how Cindy wanted to live. Looking for answers, she read some books.
Soon she realized this was a journey she wasn’t going to make on her own. There was too much she didn’t know, too many things she needed a new perspective on.
Reaching out
Cindy reached out to me and shared how she was struggling. I assured her I could help because I could relate. I have been there. The Lord has brought me through. I have a passion to help others come through faster and with less pain than I did so, I have been identifying tools and sticking points for years.

Cindy and I worked through my Step into Peace Program. We started with learning to hear God’s voice. The rest of the curriculum has been helpful but these first lessons are the foundation for all the other transformation.
Continuing through the program of Step into Peace and calls with me, Cindy gained clarity, confidence, and revelation of who she was. She matters. Her voice matters.
Now Cindy can speak up and share her opinion. She can feel God’s love and support in hard conversations. She is learning more of who God made her to be every day. Her joy and peace are increasing. She is reconnecting to her life and herself.

She sent me this message, “Before coaching with you I didn’t have a picture of Father God, Much less have a conversation with Him and write it down! I am getting results!”
Hearing feedback like this is the best part of what I do!
If you are curious about how coaching works or if it’s for you right now schedule a call!