Holding onto Peace When There’s Little Time to Rest
I shared a wonderful, restful weekend with my husband of 18 years. The plan was to do nothing; at least unless we decided we wanted
I shared a wonderful, restful weekend with my husband of 18 years. The plan was to do nothing; at least unless we decided we wanted
For most of my life, I believed I was supposed to be able to do it all on my own. Well, maybe me and Jesus,
Living disconnected Cindy began working with me because she felt disconnected from her life – her emotions, her marriage, her interests, everything – and she
Celebrating can be a struggle if you grew up being told not to get too excited or not to think too highly of yourself. Celebrating
It’s the week before Christmas and all is at rest. Wouldn’t that be lovely? To rest in this beautiful time of year? I really enjoy
Our culture is so busy. Expectations are so high. Holidays seem to magnify everything. Holidays in themselves are not the problem. God set up days
When I get quiet with the Lord, I often feel like crying. I have learned through the years that there are many of different sources
One morning when I had my quiet time, I recognized that I was feeling selfish. I was getting ready to leave for coaching training in
Emotions are involuntary, like blinking your eyes when something comes at our face. Something happens and we have an emotional reaction. We then choose how
What I feel is bad. I don’t know what to do with it. I should be able to stop feeling this way because these feelings